
Nov. 23, 2020

Episode 130 The practice of not given a F&@k what anyone thinks

I felt embarrassed for a minute I think of you now Propriety I think about this show and my integrity I think more about what I want I think what I’d want for you The illusion of happiness and success …

Episode page
Nov. 20, 2020

Episode 129 A years expenses in advance

-Budgeting first ,practice pays off -Planning -Sticking to the budget apples numbers -mini retirement -A taste of what real time retirement actually feels like and why I have other plans -Fuck money -Working capital for...

Episode page
Nov. 16, 2020

Episode 128 I want a better life for you

Let your medicine be your food and your food your medicine. Obligation is Poisen Know that you do have a choice in almost everything Be inspired by yourself Don’t let them kill your curiosity Don’t let science murder your magic …

Episode page
Nov. 11, 2020

Episode 127 How to make more money as a laborer

Make money don't go to work Get paid to learn Do extra Prove yourself Know when you are being used Use social media Always seek higher paying jobs Know your worth Negotiations in pay rates Are you willing to do …

Episode page
Nov. 10, 2020

Episode 126 How to make more money for entrepreneurs

Wake to make money not go to work Do a job for free Work for someone else Find your worth All cases getting paid to learn Research everything Confidence for the sale Pick high pay jobs Overpriced guilt Give money …

Episode page
Nov. 9, 2020

Episode 125 We the minority extended

Reinventing life Growing some guts to be free Positivity known by few Gaining confidence alone Good always wins Choices are available to everyone How to Believe in yourself Total freedom Thank you for being here today. If you...

Episode page
Oct. 28, 2020

Episode 124 We the minority rant

Discussions today: Why different is good How to become and be more creative Always asking questions A few my own personal examples Coring walls Stand out from the herd for sales Taking repair jobs instead of installs Compacting...

Episode page
Oct. 26, 2020

Episode 123 The power of simple living

Discussions today: Healthy uncomfortable zones I lived in my truck I lived in a tent Henry Thoreau The muscles of creativity Simple unlocks the magic You have everything right here Right now Decide on positivity Thank you...

Episode page
Oct. 23, 2020

Episode 122 My easier life list of technology and machines

1 Phone 2 Juicers 3 Thermal cooker 4 Blenders 5 Hand blender 6 Food processor 7 Air fryer 8 Water filtration 9 BBQ grill 10 Fans and spray bottles 11 Coffee machine 12 Hot water pot 13 Shop vac 14...

Episode page
Oct. 21, 2020

Episode 121 Hard times survival

Subjects of todays discussion: Make 45K live like 25K Practice frugality Gain skills Get out and Stay out of debt Create more time Be you and believe in yourself. Mindset is everything. Hard times could be coming. Are you prepared?...

Episode page
Oct. 20, 2020

Episode 120 Becoming free and independent

Discussions: -We are constantly distracted. -Spin farm work model and how it pertains to real time life living. -Run your life like a business -As the businesses run you. -Let’s go through what the wheel is. -Money -Budgeting...

Episode page
Sept. 29, 2020

Episode 119 Gardening problems and solutions

So I’ve been combing over some gardening forums and listening to the struggles. There are a lot of similarities. This show is an introduction a little more in detail involved for my biodegradable container gardening systems. A...

Episode page
Sept. 17, 2020

Episode 118 Opportunities and gardening on land you don’t own

Think that you’re limited? On not just gardening but life? I’m here today to share my alternatives and how opportunities are everywhere right now. How do I know this? Because I’m actually doing it. I am getting flooded...

Episode page
Aug. 26, 2020

Episode 117 Why this show is not for the majority

Todays a rant: -Most people will never get anywhere and why. Are you part of the 90%? -The goals that have been part of this show -How perspectives and mindset are the most powerful advantages -Why we might close the …

Episode page
Aug. 20, 2020

Episode 116-Unf@$k yourself

We are only limited by the limits we hold in our minds. You are the operator. Don’t like something? Let’s work on changing that. Today’s topics: -California’s Proposition 65-not everything will give you cancer...

Episode page
Aug. 10, 2020

Episode 115-Essentialism

There are alternatives to the way we live our lives. So many practices. If there was ever a time to see the cracks and failures of our current systems, it is right here right now. Lets take a look at …

Episode page
Aug. 4, 2020

Episode-114-Significance of biodegradable container gardening

Topics discussed today include: -Peace with MOST pests Rabbits, squirrels, moles, gophers, mice, rats, snails, slugs, earwigs, ants... -Air borne insects and birds and how to contend -Weeds -Soil ph and ph adjustments -Soil...

Episode page
July 27, 2020

Episode113-Step 2-gardening the biodegradable container way

Discussed toady: -How this ties into Alternative lifestyle design -Homeschool trend and how gardening can help -It’s an investment like printing money -Importance of these gardening steps -How much mulch? -A word on Weeding and watering...

Episode page
July 20, 2020

Episode112-Step 1-gardening the biodegradable container way

What do I think everyone should start doing in the midst of this pandemic? The same thing you should do if there wasn’t. Start growing your own organic Healthy Nutritious food. One of the few things we do have control …

Episode page
July 8, 2020

Episode-111-The biology of belief

Today I ask you the question of reality. Can beliefs determine your experience? Do we contain such things as “Oppositional desire resist” capabilities? As much as we want things we are sometimes equally opposed to them. A little...

Episode page
June 30, 2020

#110-Problems and solutions-an introduction

In Permaculture a common saying is “The problem is the solution” Today I give my opinions on what and how this philosophy can impact ones life. I want to do a series of these shows labeled as the above. I’d …

Episode page
June 19, 2020

Episode109-Mini retirementISH 2020

I’m back after a much needed break. Today I speak a little on how I make these events happen. Start and finish occupations is key. Simple lifestyle should not be overlooked. A little on the philosophy of lifestyle...

Episode page
May 26, 2020

Episode108-Diversity and opportunistic thinking

Today I give a little insight on my biodegradable container gardening business. I wanted to emphasize how this new business is so diverse. How, this one business, can branch off into many different opportunities. It is in my opinion in...

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