Dec. 14, 2020

Episode 135 The power of focus

Episode 135 The power of focus

-Side tracks  -The mind as a download tool -Great minds -Regular minds -Wrong things -Right things  -What do you want -What are the obstacles  -Sequence of events -Are you afraid of failure -Are you afraid of success    As we...

-Side tracks 

-The mind as a download tool

-Great minds

-Regular minds

-Wrong things

-Right things 

-What do you want

-What are the obstacles 

-Sequence of events

-Are you afraid of failure

-Are you afraid of success 


As we go along our day-to-day business and personal lives, I notice many distractions and things that get us sidetracked. I’ve also found it observable that many great minds are not easily swayed by distractions.

 They are very well and intensely focused on what they have before them.

 If you take notice, many of these people almost place themselves in a some sort of isolation.

 I have practiced this myself and I’ve gotten really great results.

 Although I’m not a great mind, I notice in my common mind how it wanders off from one subject to another. 

This is how I lose focus of what it is that I want and what it is I need to do to get it.

I’ve pondered the thought.

 Am I focusing on the right or wrong things?

I find it somewhat fascinating when I ask people what it is that they want, what would make them happy?

 It seems most people haven’t even given this much thought. Or if they did, they are so confused and sidetracked that they have no idea. 

The answer to this dilemma is what I’m after.

I would say in my opinion, there are a few fazes to actually get what it is that you want. 

The very first one is to figure out what that exactly is. 

I think it’s pretty simple when you think about it or you can’t stop thinking about it and it also makes you happy, I’d say that’s a bingo. 

Now we must separate ourselves and take a look at the macro and see what obstacles we have in our way and how we can deal with this.

 The next thing, is to take a look at all the sequence of events that need to happen in order for us to pursue forward. 

I think it’s also important to ask oneself the question are you afraid of failure.

 One can do a simple exercise of closing their eyes and asking themselves what would one need in order to believe to experience feeling or experiencing fear of failure.

 I think another absolutely stunning find of mine is also to ask yourself what does one need to believe or experience in order to feel being afraid of success?

 The personal mental dialogue that will pop up will profoundly surprise you. 

Thank you for being here today. 

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