June 30, 2020

#110-Problems and solutions-an introduction

#110-Problems and solutions-an introduction

In Permaculture a common saying is  “The problem is the solution” Today I give my opinions on what and how this philosophy can impact ones life.  I want to do a series of these shows labeled as the above.  I’d like to hear...


In Permaculture a common saying is  “The problem is the solution”

Today I give my opinions on what and how this philosophy can impact ones life. 

I want to do a series of these shows labeled as the above. 

I’d like to hear what what problems you have that you might want some answers to. 

I’m going to go into a short segment today of the possible Coming food shortage. 

I cover:

-why you should Start a garden

I answer questions such as:

-I don’t know how

-It’s to expensive

-It’s to time consuming 

Growing food is like 

 “printing your own money”

“Writing your own prescription “


Reasons why you should consider Raising your own meat and using animals to they’re fullest potential 




-Rabbits (no noise)

-Fish (no noise)

A couple of solutions to:

-I don’t know how

-It’s to time consuming 

-Automated water

-Automated doors

-Automated feeders

-Using surplus garden for feed and fertilizer 


The biggest answer to it all. 


Bulk buy club 

Barter things you can’t or don’t like doing


Thank you for being here today. 

If you like this sort of thing check us out on 









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Adrian Babashoff